Things That Make Me Go HMMMMMMM

Just things that render me reflective and introspective and to stretch my writing muscles.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tiger Woods

OK, I, like everyone else, have to put my two cents in about Tiger. First of all, you should've married someone from your own country (nothing again folks from Sweden) but you know, you gotta stick with the gold diggers at home before you go out giving your money away to gold diggers from another country.

Secondly, how come no one is dogging all of these chicks who supposedly slept with Tiger, then kept proof. Ho-bags each and everyone of 'em. They all knew he was married, that didn't seem to stop them so they are just as morally corrupt as Tiger is, but none of them seem to be talked about badly at all...does that seem strange to anyone else besides me. These women are total Ho's and we should be stoning them right along with Tiger.

3rdly (I like abbreviations) - most of the folks that watch Tiger play golf can't afford any of the stuff he plugs (except maybe the gilette stuff) so who cares if they drop him. He has contracts with these companies so Tiger probably doesn't care either, since he's under contract they still have to pay him...that should make his greedy former nanny wife happy.

Anyhoo, that's enough on that subject. I kind of hope the sponsors who are dropping Tiger (who the hell is Accenture anyway?) lose business because they are so worried about their image that they drop him. He's still a great golfer and will continue to draw folks because he makes the game worth watching. I know I won't be buying anymore gatoraide...


At 3:03 PM , Anonymous Myke Locksmith said...

Honestly, I don't know why everyone makes a big deal about it when someone famous has an affair. People have affairs all the time. It's just what people do. I guess because he can whack a ball with a stick better than everyone else he should be put on a pedestal and held in higher regard.

I think people are giving him a harder time than the women because he is the one in the power position. He controlled the situation and choose to cheat, so the responsibility falls on him. Can't really get mad at the women who slept with him.

I have to disagree with your statement about people not being able to afford the products Tiger endorses. Buick, Gatorade, EA Video Games, Nike apparel and sporting equipment, and razor blades are all withing the means of the average Joe. The demographic for the stuff he pushes is men ages 28-55 who can afford to play golf.

At 9:41 PM , Blogger A Fox said...

Myke, you are correct about the Gillette, Nike and Gatoraide products...


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