Things That Make Me Go HMMMMMMM

Just things that render me reflective and introspective and to stretch my writing muscles.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

AP Athlete of the Year 2009

OK, someone explain to me how Jimmie Johnson, a great guy I'm sure, is the AP Athlete of the year. Race car drivers are not athletes. They drive cars around in circles for hours and hours. How is that a sport. Shoot, I drive a car everyday, maybe not as fast, but I do and that does not make me an athlete. I mean, I had a problem when they named a golfer as Athlete of the Year's a skill thing, as is race car driving, not a sport thing. The athlete of the year should be an athlete that plays a sport that requires some exertion, not drive around in circles or hit a little white ball. You know, like football, basketball, soccer, rugby, hockey... Shoot I don't even think baseball is a real sport considering how little they actually have to do. Still don't understand how they make so much money. We're at the point now where the next one will be a poker player. ESPN broadcasts poker games and no way is poker a sport. Anyhoo, it's just my opinion and I'm entitled to it. 'nuff said.


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